Molded Packings and Rod & Piston Seals | Zatkoff

Molded Packings and Rod & Piston Seals

Molded Packings and Rod & Piston Seals

Rod & Piston SPP, DPP, and BPP PolyPak Seals

Rod & Piston SPP, DPP and BPP PolyPak Seals

Rod & Piston Seal SL Profile

SL Profile, Dual Compound Dual Lip Seal

Rod & Piston Seal US Profile

US Profile, Symmetrical U-Cup Seal

Rod & Piston Seal U-Cups

Homogenous & Fabric Reinforced

Rod & Piston Seal AN6226 Profile

AN6226 Profile, Industrial, Standard, Light Load Rubber U-cups

Rod & Piston V-Packings

For Rods and Pistons

Rod & Piston V-Packings 6225 Series

V-Packing For Rods & Pistons

Rod & Piston Spiral V-Packings

Symmetrical Seal Spiral V-Packing, Cut to Size V-Packing Packing

Rod & Piston WV Packings

WV style provides sealing properties that are largely independent of stacking pressure.

Rod & Piston Symmetrical Seal Selector and Decision Tree

The Symmetrical product offerings are a part of the Decision Trees for Rods and Pistons.

Fluid Power Seals Engineering/Material Guidelines

Engineering and material guide for fluid power seals. Includes tables and diagrams.

Fluid Power Seals Profiles

Profile guide for fluid power seals including rods, pistons, wipers, wear rings, backups, urethane o-rings and head seals.

Metric Seal Profile Selector

Guide for choosing the proper metric seal profile.

Leather Packings

Mechanical Leather Packings, because of the very nature of the material from which they are produced, have advantages not possessed by other packings.

Generalized Packing Compatibility Chart

For Specifying U’s, V’s, Cups & Flanges